Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Worth a Thousand Words

Tax man actually plays the hero to homeowners? No, really, I'm serious! National Trust for Historic Preservation is currently featuring an article about how homeowner's benefit from photographs required for tax purposes back in the late 1930s. This is actually a wonderful idea. I've worked with historical societies across the southeast while doing projects & to have so many photos in one collection is amazing!

I know quite a number of cities now require a copy of blueprints for new construction so that, for example, the fire department will know the building's layout in case of an emergency. It would be so useful to have a picture of the building too--hmm, a building census. Oh sounds like a fantastic idea to me, at least! For any of you that have had to drive around from universities to various historical societies & libraries, etc all day long (x's 5...) to do research would understand! Read the article here: Worth a Thousand Words


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