Monday, February 23, 2009

My crafty & design-y life

So.....I don't believe that I've mentioned what I do for a living (aka --day job/only up & running on Etsy for about a month). I come from a family of crafters, however I was determined to turn my creativity into a "career".

I work at a hospitality (hotels) interior design firm. While it's not as glamourous (or easy) as HGTV would like to make you believe, it definately has its perks. I do get to spend my day around all of this:

Note: the blue/green carpet & fabric samples are sitting on what would be a table.......this table is generally covered like this with the most current hot button design project.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The widgets work!!!

Yeah.....complete geek! They work & I may very well be the only one to use them, but I'm okay with that!

Widgets......très cool or waste of time? Side order of Russian Speak.

So I am new to the world of blog. I only follow a handful & that 's only from the past 6ish months. I've not had much time for playing around with the various features; tonight I have a worse case of insomnia than normal, so play around I must. There are widgets for just about anything you can think of, but it serves me right that I find the ones that don't work!

Pardon me, I'm an absolute geek. I had a mother that praised everything Italian (we lived there until I was about school age) & shipped me off there for a summer when I was old enough. Architecture, languages, history, art, culture, oh my........yes I love it all. So, I think that all of these widgets showcasing these things are NIFTO & serves me right that some of them don't seem to work.

Please, if anybody reads this: Personal Service Announcement for Kat Request:
let me know if the damn "listen" buttons on these word of the day widgets work.

I think that they would be très cool if they did because I am horrible about breaking out the tapes & discs with the language books.

FYI: the two kiddie language CD's in picture are from a Chick-Fil-A kid's meal. Okay, I was excited. RUSSIAN. I think it is safe to say that for an average English speaking adult, Russian is a difficult study.....this CD was geared towards kids still young enough to be satisfied by 4 chicken nuggets & 5 waffle fries. We played both of these in the car after pulling them out of the kids meal. Spanish was cool; I was full of what I call "mommy magic" that day. Mom knew the Spanish equivalent before they spoke. Then the Russians came....& mommy was a jerk. "Uh....I'm not sure what they said". Repeat & spit out something that restores Alex's confidence in his mom.

Kat/ Cardinal House

PS- For any of you clueless "frenglish" speakers (err..typers..bloggers), check out this site for the keystrokes to make all of the accents:

Thaleia Pendant

Thaleia Pendant
Originally uploaded by Cardinal House
Newly Posted on the Etsy site:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Etsy Front Page 2/9/09 Admin

Yea! So this really explained why Blue Jean Rose had so many views!!! Too bad I didn't have very many things listed at the time. Slowly but surely!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


So I was shopping for some tools online & came across some "bastard files". When I get a free moment I have to look into this! They look very similar to typical needle files, etc.....I've just never heard ( that phrase before. Next time I'm upset with my file set, I will not be able to stop from shouting "bastard" (or whispering if Alex is near....).


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Creative Juices Flowing again...

Okay, so there are not enough hours in the day. To top it off, my fellow co-workers pass on their sickness to me (the nerve!). However, I'm still listing a few items at a time on Etsy. I'm balancing posting new items & my mom's stuff.

I received great response so far about the Blue Jean Rose necklace. I will be listing variations of this necklace in another week or so.
This weekend I must sort through my supply inventory. I want to get crackin' on my Catch Phrase will be a whole line of witty & fun common sayings. Also, I need to finish (polish/ buff) more of my block print pendants.
I've only been up & running on Etsy for a couple of weeks now, but it's been great just to jump start my creatvity again. Now if I just had the time!!

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